The most efficient and practical mobile walls on the market

Quick, simple and practical. The partitioning of rooms has never been easier than with our movable wall system. You will be able to design and arrange large or small areas according to your needs, making the best use of your space. The best thing is: you can set up the partitions by yourself in a very short time. 


Whether you want to improve your home office, rearrange your open-plan office, shield off construction sites or set up your exhibition: the modular panels are designed for you to provide you easy installation without heavy tools. The smart part of it: you can reuse the panels as many times as you want, depending on your project.

Fast installation, instant use - your partition walls

You can use these movable wall panels immediately. The only tool you need is a simple wrench. Align the single panels, apply the included connector and rotate the bolt 45°, using your wrench. Proceed that way and set up many running meters in a very short time. 



To disassemble the panels, you proceed the same easy way. Take advantage of the reusable and practical system. You don’t need to spend time waiting on plastering, drying or painting. Everything is ready to go. Start your project today!

The concept - Your reusable partition walls

The idea is as simple as brilliant: you can use the movable walls whenever and wherever you need them. There is no limit to your ideas for the usability of your partition walls. 



Reuse the walls whenever you need them. Your first investment will already pay off the first time: Opposed to the usual drywall solution, you don’t need to dispose of your panels when you don’t need them anymore.

Just disassemble them, store them safely and reuse them for your next project. That way you can save money and the environment.   

Our partition walls, a 100% environmentally friendly product

Produced with sustainable resources and recyclable materials. Don’t worry about dust or waste, because you will avoid it by choosing our product. The panels are made of ecological  German woods and with the use of green energy. That reduces the carbon footprint to a minimum



The movable partitions are safely stacked and packed in transportation boxes, guaranteeing nearly zero waste. 
We are committed to provide you with a fast, clean and simple solution that helps to protect the environment!


Contact us for more information!

Modular wall panels for your office

Mobile partition walls are extremely practical for offices and open plan offices both for temporary or permanent use.

The modular system allows you to structure your working space in a simple and efficient way. There are several advantages at the same time:



More privacy and focus at work
Sound absorbing panels
Creation of single office pods
Protection against the spread of viruses



Additional elements such as electricity, ventilation and lighting can also be easily integrated to create a complete comfortable working environment.

Create your home office with mobile wall partitions

Working from home is becoming more and more popular and will also persist in the future. 



With the movable wall system you can create your home office in a very short time. As a result you will have a productive environment and work with maximum focus.



The neutral background, that the walls provide, is ideal for video conferences or presentations. 

Mobile wall partitions for your treatment facility

One of the many applications that our movable wall system provides, is the implementation of the panels in treatment facilities.   



Whether it is for massage, physiotherapy, health check-ups or test centers: you can create your own temporary medical department in a short time. 



Beauty studios also appreciate the practical solution of partitioning their working areas. 

Delimiting construction sites with movable walls

Mobile wall panels are the perfect solution for construction sites. Compared to the common drywall system, the reusable wall system has many advantages:

the partitions can be set up and used immediately and help to shield off dangerous areas, without restricting the passenger flow. 



Thanks to the same ease of disassembly, the modular walls can be reused and moved to the next construction site needed. The panels create a visual protection and do not affect the general appearance of the area in public places.



When covered with adhesive foils, the movable panels are also perfect advertising spaces.

All the advantages of mobile partitions at a glance

  • Movable walls are available in various heights and widths
  • Easy and fast assembly and disassembly
  • Reusable many times 
  • Clean solution without waste
  • Sustainable and environmentally friendly materials
  • Time and money saving product
  • No special installation skills are required
  • The surface can be covered with adhesives, foil (for advertising posters).
  • Ability to create structures of different shapes
  • Door and window elements can also be mounted
  • Ability to integrate cables, wires and other elements for the installation of ventilation or drive installation
  • Noise reduction applicable


Contact us now!

Contact us

Boznerstraße, 78

39011 Lana, Italien

+39 345 386 1685

Contact us

Boznerstraße, 78

39011 Lana, Italien

+39 345 386 1685

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